Tyne and Wear HER(1079): Burradon Colliery - Details
N Tyneside
Burradon Colliery
Coal Mining Site
Hanoverian 1714 to 1837
Documentary Evidence
Burradon Colliery opened in 1837 and closed in 1973The colliery as depicted on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey Map includes two brick fields and a Clay Pit. The colliery was served by a Wagonway (HER ref. 1080). the 2nd edition Ordnance Survey Map shows the expansion of Colliery buildings, spoil heaps and internal wagonway system. In 1873 Burradon Colliery was owned by Nathaniel Lambert, Greene and Company, which also owned Coxlodge, Bebside and Choppington Collieries. The previous owners, Charles Carr and Company, had also owned Seghill. The village was divided into two parts by a mineral railway and a short length of the Newcastle to Bedlington turnpike. The part to the north of the railway was called Burradon and was the major component of Burradon township. Associated dwelling houses were provided at Burradon, Hazelrigge, Police Row and Camperdown. There were two chapels in the village, the surviving 'Burradon Educational School' (1861) with newsroom and small library attached, a branch of Cramlington Co-operative Store and four public houses.
<< HER 1079 >> 1st edition Ordnance Survey map, 1864, 6 inch scale, Northumberland, 80
I. M. Ayris, Northumberland Mining Records Survey; I. Ayris, Burradon, (Camperdown or Hazelrigge); Durham Mining Museum www.dmm.org.uk; Roy Thompson, 2004, Thunder Underground - Northumberland Mine Disasters 1815-65, pp 88-92; A.G. Fryer, 1996, The Burradon Colliery Disaster 1860; Roy Thompson, 1997, How long did the ponies live? The storey of the Colliery at Killingworth and West Moor