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Tyne and Wear HER(1518): Newcastle town wall, West Spital Tower - Details

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West Spital Tower, Newcastle upon Tyne



Newcastle town wall, West Spital Tower




Town Defences

Town Wall


Medieval 1066 to 1540

Demolished Building

Thought to derive its name from the Hospital of the BVM, which stood close by inside the wall. The construction of this stretch of wall, and presumably also the tower, through the grounds of the hospital had begun by 1290. The tower was semi-circular in plan. In 1827 it formed "part of a genteel dwelling-house, and its circular walls may still be seen in a good state of preservation". Demolished sometime between 1844 and 1848, its site is beneath the eastern half of the Central Station.




<< HER 1518 >> J. Brand, 1789, History of Newcastle, I, 9-10 E. Mackenzie, 1827, View of Newcastle, 108 T.M. Richardson, 1880, Memorials of Old Newcastle, pl. xviii C.H.H. Blair, 1937, The Walls of Newcastle upon Tyne, illustrated by...G.B. Richardson, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4, XIV, 126, pl. xiv.1 S. Holmes, 1896, The Town Walls of Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeologia Aeliana, 2, XVIII, 12 M.A. Richardson, 1846, Local Historian's Table Book, Historical Division, V, 300

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