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Tyne and Wear HER(1551): Newcastle town wall, Carliol Tower - Details

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Carliol Tower, Newcastle



Newcastle town wall, Carliol Tower




Town Defences

Town Wall


Medieval 1066 to 1540

Demolished Building

Carliol Tower stood at the north-east angle of the wall's circuit. It was of the usual semi-circular plan, but was 2 storeys in height instead of the normal one. The upper room was also rib-vaulted. It is thought to have seen action in the 1644 siege, cannon balls and skeletons having been found close by in the ditch. From the late 16th century the tower was held by the Weavers Company, who repaired and altered it on a number of occasions, notably in 1682, 1710, 1821-2 & 1824. The most obvious alterations were the large mullion and transom south windows with arched neo-Gothick heads, and the south-west external staircase tower. In the 19th century it was also used as a club room and school. Most of the tower was demolished in 1880 to make way for the new public library, but Arthur Boardman, City Engineer, did say he had removed the base of it in building John Dobson Street.




<< HER 1551 >> John Brand, 1789, History of Newcastle, I, 16 M.A. Richardson, 1843, Local Historian's Table Book, Historical Division, III, 35, 109, 301 Archaeologia Aeliana, 1865, The Weavers' Tower, 2, VI, 48 G.C. Greenwell, 1879, The Carliol Tower L042.D39, pp. 6-20 -Newcastle Library Local Studies Local Tracts Illustration, T.M. Richardson, 1880, Memorials of Old Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pl. xxv S. Holmes, 1896, The Town Walls of Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeologia Aeliana, 2, XVIII, pl. 1 and pp. 17-18 J. Nolan, 1993, The Town Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Excavations at Orchard Street, Archaeologia Aeliana, Series 5, Vol 21, pp 93-149 M. Snape, 1994, Tyne and Wear Museums, Laing Art Gallery and Museum - Proposed Extension, Archaeological Assessment A. McMaster, 2004, Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle Central Library, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeological Assessment

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