Riding Field Way
Riding Field Way
HER Number
Site Name
Riding Field Way
Map Sheet
Site Type: Broad
Tramway Transport Site
Site Type: Specific
General Period
Specific Period
Stuart 1603 to 1714
Form of Evidence
Documentary Evidence
The Riding Field was the eastern part of the Harding lands. It was rich in coal and had been intensively worked quite early in the 17th century using wain and cart. To gain access to the mouth of the Team, however, Ralph Harding obtained a wayleave through Jackson’s Land in Matfin’s Haugh in 1683. Matfin’s Haugh was one of four Haughs in Whickham Meadows. The lease obtained by Ralph Harding probably refers to a branch from a waggonway running north of Dunston Hill. However, the existence of Riding Field Way is first proved by its mention in a mortgage of 1701. It is also mentioned in a lease of 1704 and 1710. The way ran roughly south-west to north-east and its remains are still visible on the Long Hill in the Riding Field. It continued north through the South Cornmoor, along much the same route as its contemporary - the Northbanks Way, crossing the latter in Coalway Haugh to reach the lower Team. The Riding Field Way is also mentioned in 1716 when the owners of Northbanks Way (the Montagus) bought shares in it. The waggonway continued in use until 1744, when the Grand Allies gave notice to terminate the agreement, as the centre of production has shifted further south, and the way was not heard of again.
Grid Reference
<< HER 1921 >> Pers comm. A. Rounding, 2001, letter to County Archaeologist
Durham Records Office, D/St D5/2/35, 142, 143, 151, 153, 161, 164
Public Records Office, Chancery Lane, London, C8 7/188
Public Records Office, Chancery Lane, London, C22 772/13, C9 182/45
Durham Records Office, D/CG 16/1076 47, 108, 146
Team Way at Team Colliery Eighton -Gateshead Library Local Studies, GPL BP 1/83
1723, Northbanks and proposed Tanfield Ways, 28 April 1723, -Gateshead Library Local Studies GPL CP/1/140
A. Williams, 2004, A Fighting Trade - Review and mapping of routes; unpublished document for Tyne & Wear Heritage Environment Record
Durham Records Office, D/St D5/2/35, 142, 143, 151, 153, 161, 164
Public Records Office, Chancery Lane, London, C8 7/188
Public Records Office, Chancery Lane, London, C22 772/13, C9 182/45
Durham Records Office, D/CG 16/1076 47, 108, 146
Team Way at Team Colliery Eighton -Gateshead Library Local Studies, GPL BP 1/83
1723, Northbanks and proposed Tanfield Ways, 28 April 1723, -Gateshead Library Local Studies GPL CP/1/140
A. Williams, 2004, A Fighting Trade - Review and mapping of routes; unpublished document for Tyne & Wear Heritage Environment Record