Walkergate, City Hospital for Infectious Diseases
Walkergate, City Hospital for Infectious Diseases
HER Number
Site Name
Walkergate, City Hospital for Infectious Diseases
Map Sheet
Health and Welfare
Site Type: Broad
Site Type: Specific
General Period
Specific Period
Victorian 1837 to 1901
Form of Evidence
Extant Building
Designed by the Newcastle architect A.B. Gibson and built for the Corporation at a cost of £17,887. The hospital opened in September 1888 on an 11 acre site previously used as agricultural land - "Calf Close". The hospital was one of the first to be built on the single storey pavilion system and was set in gardens. As early as 1896 it was recognised that the hospital would soon prove too small to cope with potential demand. Ground was acquired for two additional pavilions. These and other unidentified buildings are shown on the Ordnance Survey second edition. In 1905 the hospital extended northwards where a large brick-built nurse's home was built. This was extended in 1932 by the addition of two return wings. By 1940 the hospital had virtually reached the full extent of its development with the addition of further wards west of the nurse's home. There was some new building after this time, including the Chapel, dedicated in 1961. As built in 1888 the hospital could accommodate 105 patients. There were five separate pavilions, each containing 22 beds. One pavilion of 33 beds catered for scarlet fever. The original hospital buildings included an entrance lodge on Little Benton Road, an admin block, patient's laundry, stable for the horses which drew the ambulances, a block for steam disinfecting apparatus and a mortuary. In 1908 two more pavilions and two observation blocks were added, giving an additional 71 beds. The admin block was enlarged and the nurse's home built. During WW1 two temporary pavilions were added on the east side of Benton Road. These remained in use during WW2 and were converted into a geriatric unit in 1953. In 1916 a 62 bed sanatorium for TB cases was opened. In 1929 a new 44 bed block for female TB cases was opened, giving a total bed capacity of 338. During 1930 a number of alterations were made, including a new boilerhouse and chimney. Modernisation started before the outbreak of War continued in the 1950s. Open wards were converted into cubicles, and in 1953 a 30 bed Ear, Nose and Throat ward was created and an outpatient department. In 1956 an Opthalmic Unit was added to replace the old Eye Hospital in St. Mary's Place, demolished to make way for the Civic Centre. By 1960 the hospital had a polio unit and a department for skin disease.
Grid Reference
<< HER 5390 >> Northern Counties Archaeological Services, 2003, Walkergate Hospital, Benfield Road, Newcastle - Desk Based Assessment; 1888, City Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Walkergate deeds etc. 1888-1972, Tyne and Wear Archive Service, Acc 646; North Penines Archaeology Ltd., 2011, Walkergate Hospital, Benfield Road, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Watching Brief; Heaton History Group, 2015, www.heatonhistorygroup.org/2015/04/17/newcastles-war-hospitals; AB Heritage, 2019, Walkergate Hospital Site, Benfield Road, Archaeological Evaluation Report; AB Heritage 2019, Walkergate Hospital Site, Benfield Road, Desk-based assessment