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Tyne and Wear HER(7357): Wallsend, Church Bank, Church of St. Peter - Details

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Wallsend, St.Peter's Church


N Tyneside

Wallsend, Church Bank, Church of St. Peter



Religious Ritual and Funerary

Place of Worship

Parish Church


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Parish church dated 1809 and restoration 1892 on brass plaque in porch. Paid for by tontine and partly by Dean and Chapter of Durham. Coursed squared sandstone with plinth; snecked sandstone additions of chancel and south aisle, tower buttresses and stair turret. Welsh slate roofs. Stone flags to stair turret. Perpendicular style. Pointed-arched west door in chamfered moulded surround in orch of tower. Belfry openings in upper stages of tower. Slit windows in octagonal stair turret. Battlemented parapet with gargoyles. Square-headed chancel windows under flower-ornamented string on grotesque animal corbels. Interior - plaster with ashlar dressings above panelled dado. Wide chancel arch on octagonal columns. Hammer-beam and king post nave roof, with large angels on hammers. Panelled chancel roof. Font resited from Holy Cross Church. Glass in south aisle by Atkinson, in north aisle by Ethel Rhine Strang. LISTED GRADE 2.




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, 7/146; W. Richardon, 1923, History of the Parish of Wallsend, pp 123-144; North Tyneside Council, Environment, Regeneration & Housing Directorate, 2005, St. Peters, Wallsend Draft Conservation Area Character Statement

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