Killingworth village
Killingworth village
HER Number
N Tyneside
Site Name
Killingworth village
Map Sheet
Site Type: Broad
Site Type: Specific
General Period
Specific Period
Medieval 1066 to 1540
Form of Evidence
Documentary Evidence
In 1242 Killingworth, with other nearby townships, was held by Roger de Merlay III. There were 9 taxpayers in 1296, 8 in 1312. In a detailed survey of the whole township in 1373 16 tenements are listed, with the names of the owners or occupiers. Killingworth Moor was enclosed in 1793. In the mid 19th century Killingworth was still a long 2-row village strung out to the west of the junction of the road from Backworth with that to Long Benton, though one terrace had appeared which might have resulted from mining development. Two or three farms survived on the north side of the street. It is still today identifiable as an early settlement, with a number of listed buildings - 18th and 19th ventury stone-built structures - but there has been a lot of recent infilling of gaps and backlands.
Grid Reference
<< HER 800 >> A.M. Oliver 1925, Killingworth,Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, 4, I, 237-40
M.H. Dodds, ed. 1930, Killingworth Township, Northumberland County History, XIII, 418-30
C.M. Fraser, Lay Subsidy Roll of 1296, Society of Antiquaries, 63-4
1373, Terrier of Hawkewell Phillips, Newcastle Library Local Studies MS 17242, and Northumberland Records Office, 625
1790, White House and West Houses Farms, Killingworth, 695.2 -Northumberland Records Office
1790, Killingworth village, 695.3 -Northumberland Records Office
Enclosure Award, 1793, Killingworth Moor, 695.1 -Northumberland Records Office
Tithe Award, 1843, Killingworth, DT 275 -Northumberland Records Office
Ordnance Survey maps, 1858, 1st ed. 1:2500 89.5; W.G. Elliott and Edwin Smith, Bygone Days of Longbenton, Benton, Forest Hall, West Moor and Killingworth, pp 80-87; Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 2010, Land at West Lane, Killingworth Village - Archaeological Assessment
M.H. Dodds, ed. 1930, Killingworth Township, Northumberland County History, XIII, 418-30
C.M. Fraser, Lay Subsidy Roll of 1296, Society of Antiquaries, 63-4
1373, Terrier of Hawkewell Phillips, Newcastle Library Local Studies MS 17242, and Northumberland Records Office, 625
1790, White House and West Houses Farms, Killingworth, 695.2 -Northumberland Records Office
1790, Killingworth village, 695.3 -Northumberland Records Office
Enclosure Award, 1793, Killingworth Moor, 695.1 -Northumberland Records Office
Tithe Award, 1843, Killingworth, DT 275 -Northumberland Records Office
Ordnance Survey maps, 1858, 1st ed. 1:2500 89.5; W.G. Elliott and Edwin Smith, Bygone Days of Longbenton, Benton, Forest Hall, West Moor and Killingworth, pp 80-87; Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 2010, Land at West Lane, Killingworth Village - Archaeological Assessment