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Tyne and Wear HER(7386): 1-6a Albert Drive - Details

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1-6a Albert Drive

Low Fell






Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

These deceptively large, 2 ½ storey houses were designed in 1875 for Murray and Collingwood. They have retained all their robust character and simple but good quality detailing. The elevations are of nicely dressed, distinctively long stones, weathered down to a the characteristic colour of coal areas, with the eaves cornice (cleverly concealing the rainwater services) punctured intermittently with downcomers. Solid surrounds enhance the windows and doors, with eared architraves lifting the composition. Solid canted bays complement these, and join with the solid stone chimneys and (partly original) dormers to animate the façade. The slate roofs create a smart appearance and there are some original one-over-one timber sashes remaining – the whole group especially benefiting from the use of natural materials to form their character. These fine houses, well-built and from a burgeoning period in the historical development of Low Fell, are a cut above the average. Their modestly sized by attractive front gardens offer an appropriate setting, and reflect the (also Locally Listed) park laid out for the private use of the expanded Drive in the early part of the 20th century, with which the houses form an important group. ARCHITECT H Armour (Gateshead) LOCAL LIST




Gateshead Council Local List

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