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Tyne and Wear HER(11340): Manors, Bridewell, House of Correction, poor house - Details

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Manors, Bridewell, House of Correction, poor house




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House of Correction


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Documentary Evidence

In the grounds of the former Austin Friars monastery at Manors was the bridewell, or House of Correction. The House of Correction was used for shorter sentences with hard labour. Changes in policing and penology in the 19th century saw the differences between prisons and correction houses become unclear and then prisons replaced correction houses. When John Howard visited in 1787 he approved the bedding and heating provided for the six prisoners, who at the time were employed in spinning. A cell for solitary confinement was later added to the House. The House of Correction closed in 1827 and was demolished in 1857, a multi-storey car park now occupies the site. Little is known about the old House of Correction, the concept is Elizabethan {Jon Welsh}. Thomas Oliver's map of 1830 shows All Saints Poor House and the House of Correction.




'Prison Newcastle' a poster by Jon Welsh; Corbridge map of 1723; Armstrong map of 1769, Beilby map of 1788, Roper map of 1801, Thomas Oliver map 1830; Allan Brodie, Jane Croom and James O'Davies, 2002, English Prisons - An Architectural Guide, Pages, 16-18; Nigel Green, 2009, Tough Times & Grisly Crimes, page 10; The Workhouse, The story of an institution,

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